Kate Zucconi | Fashion Artist and Illustrator


This last two weeks has been crazy. Trying to finalize the bathrooms, as there are three, there is a lot to think about.

Also I have been finalizing floor tiles for the whole house. I love doing all this but how many more nights can I dream of tiles and loo’s! I need to get it sorted!!

Next is the roof, riveting stuff, literally! The roof is finished and the rame is riveted. Rame, which is Italian for copper, is on.

This rame is used to finish the edge of the roof and for the guttering. It starts off as a bright copper colour, which is beautiful but really scared me when I first saw it finished. I thought O.M.G. my window frames and shutters are dark grey alluminium this will never go!

I’m all for metallics being on trend for interiors and I am having some inside the house which I will be mixing with grey in the interior. But seeing bright copper and imagining the dark grey windows, it was scary at first glance.

Well, thank god the colour eventually tones down to a dark grey/black/brown tone over time. I hope mine will be end up more grey than brown, fingers crossed!


This is the finished new roof, with shiny rame!



Check out the shiny rame!



Get your sunglasses on.


New roof and moody sky’s.



Watertight at last!



Copper highlights.



Close up of rame you can see it starting to discolour.



Riveting and fabulous craftsmenship by the builders.


These are more like the copper tones that I would like to see in the interior of the house!



Stunning Tom Dixon copper lights.



Copper candlesticks.


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Simple copper vase.



My two favourite finishes, marble and copper. These candle holders are gorgeous!


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I love this copper bar set, the jug is such a great shape.


The next stage is the finished portico, watch this space!!


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